Clinic Stay Guide for Patients
If your doctor decides you need medical treatment that will require a stay in a Clinic, this guide provides information and questions to help you prepare.
Before going into the Clinic ask your doctor to explain your condition and the treatment you will receive. Ask if there are other choices of treatment available. You can also request a second opinion from another doctor, or you may be referred to a specialist.
Ask the doctor for information about your condition and treatment which can help you know what to expect and how best to help in your healing.
Plan for your Clinic stay and recovery before you go into the Clinic by arranging for transportation home, and, a relative to cater for your need during your stay.
Following are personal items you may want to bring with you to the Clinic: toiletries (hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)reading material; and other things to occupy your time.
Do not take jewelry or other valuables.